Mastering Pine Script: A Step-by-Step Guide to Retrieve Quarter/Time from
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Mastering Pine Script: A Step-by-Step Guide to Retrieve Quarter/Time from

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on retrieving quarter/time data from Pine Script’s `` function! If you’re new to Pine Script or struggling to extract specific financial data, you’re in the right place. By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at fetching quarter/time data and taking your trading strategies to the next level.

What is Pine Script?

Pine Script is a popular programming language used for creating trading strategies, indicators, and algorithms on platforms like TradingView. It’s a powerful tool for technical analysts and traders, offering a range of built-in functions and features to help you make informed investment decisions.

The `` Function

The `` function is a Pine Script built-in that allows you to fetch financial data for a specific symbol or instrument. This function takes several arguments, including the symbol, dataset, and fields to retrieve. In this article, we’ll focus on retrieving quarter/time data using this function.

Retrieving Quarter Data

indicator("Quarter Data")

symbol = "AAPL"
dataset = "Quarterly"

[quarter, _] =, dataset, "quarter", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")


In this example, we’re requesting quarterly data for Apple (AAPL) and storing the result in the `quarter` variable. We’re then plotting the `quarter` data using the `plot()` function.

Retrieving Time Data

indicator("Time Data")

symbol = "AAPL"
dataset = "Quarterly"

[_, time] =, dataset, "time", "q_start", "q_end")


In this example, we’re requesting time data for Apple (AAPL) and storing the result in the `time` variable. We’re then plotting the `time` data using the `plot()` function.

Understanding the `` Function Arguments

The `` function takes several arguments to specify the data you want to retrieve. Here’s a breakdown of each argument:

  • symbol: The symbol or instrument for which you want to retrieve financial data. Examples include “AAPL” for Apple or “GOOG” for Alphabet (Google).
  • dataset: The type of financial data you want to retrieve. Examples include “Quarterly”, “Annual”, or “TTM” (Trailing Twelve Months).
  • fields: The specific fields you want to retrieve. Examples include “quarter”, “time”, “revenue”, or “earnings”. You can specify multiple fields separated by commas.

Common Use Cases for Quarter/Time Data

  1. Earnings analysis: Retrieve quarter/time data to analyze a company’s earnings performance over time.
  2. Revenue growth analysis: Use quarter/time data to analyze a company’s revenue growth over time.
  3. Seasonality analysis: Identify seasonal patterns in quarter/time data to inform your trading decisions.
  4. Fundamental analysis: Incorporate quarter/time data into your fundamental analysis to gain a deeper understanding of a company’s financial performance.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue Solution
Error: “Symbol not found” Check that the symbol is correct and exists in the Pine Script database.
Error: “Dataset not found” Check that the dataset is correct and exists in the Pine Script database.
Error: “Field not found” Check that the field is correct and exists in the Pine Script database.
Data not updating Check that the Pine Script version is up-to-date and that the data is refreshed regularly.


Keyword density: 1.8%

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to uncover the secrets of retrieving quarter/time from Pine Script’s function!

Q: What is the function used for in Pine Script?

The function in Pine Script is used to retrieve financial information, such as quarterly results, from external financial data providers like Yahoo Finance or Quandl. This function allows you to fetch specific data points, like revenue or earnings per share (EPS), for a given stock or index.

Q: Can I retrieve quarter data using If so, how?

Yes, you can retrieve quarter data using! To do this, you need to specify the ‘quarter’ argument within the function. For example, `“AAPL”, “quarter”, “revenue”)` would fetch Apple’s quarterly revenue data.

Q: How do I retrieve time-specific financial data using

To retrieve time-specific financial data, you need to specify the ‘from’ and ‘to’ arguments within the function. For instance, `“AAPL”, “revenue”, from=timestamp(2020, 1, 1), to=timestamp(2020, 12, 31))` would fetch Apple’s revenue data for the year 2020.

Q: Can I retrieve multiple financial metrics at once using

Yes, you can! To retrieve multiple financial metrics, separate them with commas within the ‘item’ argument. For example, `“AAPL”, “revenue,eps”)` would fetch both Apple’s revenue and earnings per share (EPS) data.

Q: Are there any specific data providers I need to use for to work?

Yes, you need to use a compatible data provider that supports financial data, such as Yahoo Finance or Quandl. Pine Script supports various data providers, so make sure to choose one that fits your needs.